Our customers are mostly independent local businesses. Many of them are online shops, others offer services.
We craft profitable, sustainable web sites to meet our clients' unique needs.
Marnong Estate

Marnong Estate is a premier winery and full-service venue, with farm produce shops, nestled beneath the Macedon Ranges. The site is a showcase of all the estate has to offer, and an online shop for a full range of Marnong Estate's fine wines, hampers and gift offers.
We loaded and built the online shop to replace an earlier WordPress / WooCommerce site. We also directed and quality-assured the e-commerce deployment. The site was powered by Joomla!, YOOtheme Pro and VirtueMart.

CoffeeTec is a provider of coffee machines and supplies to corporate offices and workplaces. The CoffeeTec site is a showcase of coffee machines for hire, and an online shop for a full range of coffee station supplies.
We delivered full development of the online shop, security and organic SEO. The site is powered by Joomla!, YOOtheme Pro and VirtueMart.
Alltac Product Showcase

Alltac Australia is a manufacturer and supplier of visual guidance and ground surface indicator products. The Alltac product showcase allows builders and architects to quickly select the right Alltac products for a job at a glance. The showcase site also includes Alltac's fully integrated online shop.
We delivered design, layout and styling, product selector features, security and organic SEO. The showcase is powered by Joomla! and YOOtheme Pro.
Alltac Online Shop

Alltac Australia is a manufacturer and supplier of visual guidance and ground surface indicator products. The Alltac shop is powered by Joomla!, VirtueMart 4 and YOOtheme Pro, and the shop is fully integrated with the showcase section of the site.
Alltac's trade showcase and online shop sites were completely rebuilt from earlier sites. The project included redesign, layout and styling, product catalogue revisions, modification and extension of the online shopping system, security and organic SEO.
Lawyers for Peace

Lawyers for Peace is a non-profit association of legal professionals advocating for peace. The web site is a custom built content authoring and membership system.
We provided concept, design, layout and styling, security and organic SEO. The site was powered by Joomla! and YOOtheme Pro.
GCG Turbochargers

GCG Turbochargers is a major online supplier of high performance automotive equipment. The GCG Turbos site is a substantial on-line shop, with sidelines of blogging, support tickets, a Q&A knowledgebase, a custom warranty claim system, and much more. The GCG online shop became one of the leading suppliers in its market.
Starting in 2014, we built the online shop, and then went on to build many new sales and promotion capabilities, many extensions to product catalogue structures, and several custom apps for the shop. The site was powered by Joomla! and VirtueMart.
RGV Spares

RGV Spares is a restorer and supplier of high quality parts for a range of classic motorbikes. The RGV Spares site is a Joomla! / VirtueMart on-line shop.
Starting in 2016 we rebuilt this site with new design, layout and styling. We refined the product catalogue structures, extended and modified the online shopping system, and added many new features. Since then we've provided security, SEO and tech support for the site.
Stencil Place

The Stencil Place is a supplier of standard and custom industrial stencils and signs for a wide range of industrial and commercial applications. The web site is an online shopping cart offering a full range of products and a simple design and quote system.
Starting in 2014, we built the shop design, layout and extensions, product catalogue and quote system. The current site is a complete rebuild done in 2024. It is powered by Joomla!, YOOtheme Pro and VirtueMart.
The Talking Room

The Talking Room is a private psychological practice. The web site is a well-established, successful blog.
Starting in 2007, we built the first of four versions (and counting) of the site. We provide design and editorial assistance, and mail newsletter design and distribution to a loyal crowd of subscribers. The site is powered by Joomla! and YOOtheme Pro.
Serene Accounting Services

Serene Accounting Services is an accounting practice based in Sydney NSW. This web site is a simple brochure site built on Joomla!
We provided site design, layout and styling. We continue to provide security and tech support.
KMT Consulting

KMT Consulting is an accounting practice based in Sydney NSW. This web site is a simple brochure site, featuring a custom file upload and notification facility for client documentation.
We provide design, layout and styling, the custom file upload feature, and security and tech support for the site. The site is powered by Joomla! and YOOtheme Pro.
Dingley Village Neighbourhood Centre

Dingley Village Neighbourhood Centre is a community house and resource centre located in Melbourne, Australia. The DVNC site is a community blog built on Joomla!, with a moderated, paid event booking system.
The event booking system handles bookings and payment services for stallholders at DVNC monthly Farmers' Market days. It provides online event scheduling, site bookings and delayed hire fee payments subject to manager approval. We continue to provide security and tech support for DVNC's site.
MBC Barefoot Bowls

MBC Barefoot Bowls is an event booking site embedded in Mornington Bowling Club's main site. The Barefoot Bowls site provides an online events booking service for MBC's very popular public bowling events.
The site handles event scheduling, bookings, tickets, payments and reminders for Barefoot Bowls parties. It is powered by Joomla! 5.
Wireless Store

Wireless Store was an online shopping cart offering a range of high quality, great value for money wireless communication and entertainment products.
Starting in 2015, we designed the shop concept, layout and styling, product structure and content. The Wireless Store web site was an OpenCart 2.x online shop.
Frogmore Gardens

Frogmore Gardens is a boutique mail-order and retail nursery specialising in flowering perennials, including bulbs, shrubs and a wide variety of grasses. The Frogmore Gardens web site was an online shop, blogging and mail distribution system. We also built a wide-area installation including networked accounting, plant production and inventory, barcoding and POS.
Starting in 2013, we built Frogmore Garden's online shop, and then a sophisticated, integrated set of business systems around it. The site was powered by Joomla!, VirtueMart and FrontAccounting.
Antenna Shop

Antenna Shop is an online shopping cart offering a full range of wireless antenna products from major carriers and networking products suppliers.
We provided design, layout and styling, catalogue structures and built the online shop. The site is powered by Joomla! and VirtueMart.
View siteMortgageBroker is a national directory and advertising resource for over 500 home loan finance brokers and advisors, and a rich information service for home owners and buyers.
Starting in 2011, we delivered design, layout and styling, content and directory development. The site was powered by Joomla!.
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